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Speaking Testimonials

Finally, the most important aspect of your talk was that it 'came from the heart', which added integrity to the delivery. To quote from one of our attendees '..'excellent lecturer'.. made us feel like healers, rather than just Masseurs or Naturopaths..'
:: Dianne Hill, Director
Qld Institute of Natural Science

I would like to recommend Mr David Kliese as a fine speaker and a very knowledgeable Practitioner in his specialty, namely the integration of the Mental, Physical and Spiritual aspects of life and the treatment arising from conditions associated with them. I was most impressed with David's presentation reflecting his considerable experience in this field. His talk was very warmly received.
:: Peter Derig, DC, DO, ND
Health Schools Australia
Qld Representative for ATMS

David has given our members very inspirational talks over the years. They are full of wisdom and motivation and have changed people’s perspective on their lives.
:: Denise Debus

David has the ability to not only hold the interest of our entire audience but to captivate us in his thought provoking messages. In fact, the first time I heard him talk, there was one particular sentence that moved me to go home and print it out on my computer to put on my fridge. That sentence still lives in my memory as one of my life structures that I live by.
:: Kaye Maas

Both the audience and I find David to be inspirational and very motivating. He has the ability to captivate his audience making you feel as though he is speaking directly to you. Due to David’s inspiring personality and motivating presence, he has been instrumental in the positive transformation of many lives.
Excellent to listen to. Can’t wait for him to return. Always makes me want to change my life.
:: Val Heward

David Kliese has been a guest speaker for our organisation for around 16 years. David is a most dynamic and enthusiastic speaker. His topics, particularly on Personal Development have always been fully researched and are delivered with passion and commitment.

David has a great gift of speaking, He is presentable, confident, and knowledgeable and his presentations inspire confidence in all who are privileged to hear him.
:: Arch Reverend Donald J Anson-Smith

David’s words will always be embedded in my mind….it was as though a magic rocket had arrived to launch me on a journey to confidence and control of my life.

David has amazing knowledge and personal experience in his unique holistic approach. All this, coupled with his special charisma, means that when he shows you the way to trust your feelings and to “Go for GOLD”, you feel empowered to do so.
:: Pat Wyllie Dip Teach. Area Governor Toastmasters

I was captivated and awed from beginning to end. His transformational concepts enriched my understanding and heightened my awareness greatly. To this day I still speak of the amazing impact that his thought provoking inspirational presentation has had upon my life.
:: Robin Court

David Kliese was a guest speaker for our 2004 Annual General Meeting. His topic was: “The Importance of Developing an Holistic Perspective in Healthcare”. David came to us highly recommended by people within our association who had attended previous presentations by David.

His informative one hour talk……was an invaluable insight for our therapists. David presented his topic with clarity and humour, making it a most enjoyable speech to listen to.
:: Sussan Roache Acting President Bowen Therapists Association of Qld

David has the ability to enthuse his audience and involve them in the learning process. His lecture planning was well constructed and his delivery clear and forceful. David has a natural teaching ability and is a competent communicator.
:: John Macan Head of Student Services Australian College of Natural Medicine


'Ignorance segregates - Yet knowledge, awareness and understanding UNITE!' :: David Kliese